Monday, November 06, 2006

Ahhh, November

... well, with Halloween over, it's time to think about Thanksgiving and Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday cards, cause' it's all just around the corner!

I've been struggling recently as I've had a migraine since last Monday (Oct. 30) and no medicine to alleviate the pain. Thankfully, I can re-order my script this Friday, but that doens't help me last Monday thru now... and maybe tomorrow and beyond, depending on how long this migraine lasts. Geeze... really slows the creativity!

However, I did get one holiday swap card done, and a cute little turtle card that I will post later. I want to design all my Christmas cards this year, so I better get crackin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I feel bad for you....I do know what a pain Migraines can be.

My best Friend has them pretty all the time.

When the weather changes is when it's the worst for her.

She is given a 10 day supply of her med's.

Which doesn't even cover half the time.

Take care of yourself.